Spanish Safety Sign California Proposition 65 Spark Arrestor Stickers


Spanish Safety Sign California Proposition 65 Spark Arrestor Stickers Are Printed in Spanish With the Following.


Proposicion 65 de California.

El estado de California sabe que los gases de escape de los motores diesel y algunos de sus components causan cancer, defectos de Nacimiento y outros danos a la reproduccion. Los postes de la bateria, los terminales y los accesorios relacionados contienen plomo quimico y compuestos de plomo, productos uimicos que el estado de California reconoce como causantes de cancer, defectos de Nacimiento y otros danos reproductivos, lavese las manos despues de la manipulation.

Supresor de Chispas de California.

La operacion de este equipo puede crear chispas que pueden iniciar incendios alrededor de la vegetacion seca. Puede requerirse un supresor de chispas. El propietario / operado debe comcunicarse con las angencias de bomberos locales para conocer las leyes o regulaciones relacionadas con los requisites de prevencion.

Safety Label California Proposition 65 and Spark Arrestor English translation.


California Proposition 65.

Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm. The battery posts, terminals, and related accessories contain chemical lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.

California spark Arrestor

The operation of this equipment may create sparks that can start fires around dry vegetation. A spark arrestor may be required. The owner/operator should contact local fire agencies for laws or regulations relating to fire prevention requirements.

California Proposition 65 and Spark Arrestor Safety Label size is 11 1/2 inches wide by 4 1/2 inches tall.

Our Spanish Safety Labels make it easy to put important reminders in the necessary places. Safety comes first! Our safety labels come in various sizes, are cost-effective, and are laminated for durability from grease, oil, and everyday wear & tear.

Our labels are created from durable materials, are impactful & serve as critical reminders of safe workplace tactics.

Our Spanish California Proposition 65 Spark Arrestor Stickers are created, printed, cut, and shipped in the USA.
